Is the Future of Spirit Week Digital?

Spirit week is fun and an exciting time for our school environment, especially for the seniors, although this year’s spirit week for 2020 might have had some impact towards the students. There could be a new way for spirit week in making it digital and having different themes for each day.

For example, Monday could be “Message someone Monday” and you send out positivity to other students or even faculty members. 

Tuesday could be “Take over Tech”. Kids from each grade could post on the WHBHS social media platforms to spread positivity. 

Wednesday could be “Where are you going Wednesday”, for seniors to replace pep rally and make it a special day for them. 

Thursday could be”Throwback Thursday” and make kids or parents post pictures of when they were babies and make a #WHBHSTBT. (Westhampton Beach High School Throwback Thursday.)

Friday could be “Freaky Friday” and post pictures of you in a funky and crazy outfit. 

WHBHS students shared how they would feel about this digital spirit week for the future. Junior Vincent Pesce said, “ I feel like it wouldn’t be the same vibe and we wouldn’t be able to interact socially.” 

Junior Molly McCarthy, said, “I feel like it is not a bad idea, but I would rather have a social spirit week with my friends.” 

Pesce continued, “ I feel like this digital spirit week would be very different because I wouldn’t participate as if it were socially and I would interact with the occasion since my friends are doing it.” 

Molly suggested, “Maybe change the days of spirit week to funny one like dressing up as teachers or your friends etc. and to have more fun with it to make people laugh during the times of Covid.”

Even though this year’s spirit week wasn’t the same due to Covid-19 there’s always a way around things and new learning experiences. A digital spirit week could be a new way of life for our school’s environment and would include students working remotely.