And this year’s Mr. and Mrs. Hurricane are…

And this year’s Mr. and Mrs. Hurricane are...

Sophie Waskelewicz and Jesse AlfanoStJohn!

They were crowned Mr and Mrs Hurricane at the 2019 pep rally!! 

Being nominated and chosen as Mrs. Hurricane meant a lot to Sophie.  She said, “I was honored to know that my teachers thought this highly of me and recognized my commitment to our school and this community.” 

Jesse said, “It made me feel great to be nominated for Mr. Hurricane, it showed that I am well respected by the students and teachers in WHB, and then to be given the award was very cool. It shows how many people in WHB thought highly of me and that me and Sophie are well liked around Westhampton Beach.”

The annual vote is placed to show the top two students that represent our school in many ways. These students are voted by the teachers. Each teacher picks three students that stand out to them the most.  Students then vote for Mr. and Mrs. Hurricane on the Friday of pep rally.

In order to become a candidate for Mr and Mrs Hurricane, candidates not only have to stand out in the classroom, but need to have good school spirit, participate in extra curricular activities and, act as a good school citizen. 

This year’s nominees were Jack Nags, Luke Farnan, Jesse AlfanoStJohn, Matt Leotta, JP Ferrentino, Sophie Waskelewicz, Julia Smith, Rose Peruso, Molly Brennan, and Belle Smith.

Congrats to the 2019 Mr. and Mrs. Hurricane!