Yotubers in the School: Amy Pribanic

Check out Amy’s Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/Amzlovez

When it’s 2a.m. and you’re endlessly searching Youtube watching pointless videos, you should check out videos by WHB’s very own Amy Pribanic.

Pribanic is a junior and started making videos back in 7th grade. She used to make music videos and she was in a collab channel with her friend Allie Ostie. “I was really inspired by jennxpenn at the time. She made music videos and she’s my age so I could relate to her. I just thought she was really cool and I figured if she could do it then I could.”

Pribanic just recently reached 700 subscribers but she said her goal is to reach 100,000 subscribers. She has over 50 videos on her channel and uploads every sunday, or at least tries too. “I usually make videos about relatable topics,” Pribanic stated. Some of those topics include:  ‘Things That Annoy Me,’ ‘Things You Shouldn’t Do on Instagram,’ and many others. “I like to put in some skits every once in a while too, I have to keep it fresh and entertaining so I don’t lose viewers.” Pribanic said.

With over 700 subscribers and over 40,000 views, Amy is bound to become more successful in the future. “I really want to go into directing when I’m older. I’m going to BOCES for TV Film and Production right now. I’m learning a lot so hopefully that will help me.”

Of course with the good comes the bad. “I’ve gotten hate before but I just ignore it. Not everyone’s going to like what I do. Peoples opinions don’t matter. I like to make videos and I’m going to continue making videos, no matter what anyone says. All the haters are just jealous anyway.”

Pribanic also has some wise words for people who want to start uploading videos onto Youtube. “If you’re gonna upload videos, have a good camera, try not to be awkward, let loose. At first, it’s gonna be weird just talking to a camera so pretend that you’re talking to a friend. The first few videos are always going to be awkward but they’ll get better.” And as for the haters? Pribanic wants you all to know this, “Opinions shouldn’t determine what you want to do. Haters have nothing better to do with their lives so they like to hurt other people. You’ll always be better then them, remember that.” She then added, “Try to make your videos funny. People love funny.”

So WHB, you now know what to do when you’re bored and need a good video to watch. Just search “amzlovez” on Youtube or check out her channel here .