Across the Sea for a College Degree: Emi Osaki

Every high school student asks himself or herself the question, “Do I want to live far from home for college?” Students consider California, Texas and Florida being the furthest they would ever go from home, but not Senior Emi Osaki!

Emi’s considering colleges as far away as Japan! If you don’t know her, you are probably confused as to why she would choose such a far away country. All of Emi’s family lives in Japan, aunts, uncles,cousins and her parents were born and raised in Japan and Korea. Emi stated, “My father is pure-blooded Japanese,” and as I have recently learned, Emi’s family is not only from Japan, Emi further added, “My mother is Korean but was also born in Japan, and grew up in an urban neighborhood called Takamatsu.”

Emi’s choice to add Japan to her list of college applications was not hard for her, wouldn’t you? She has visited Japan almost every year since she was a child, so she is familiar and says “I love it there, it’s so beautiful and I love seeing my family. I did not hesitate when I added this to my list of applications.” Nothing would be holding Emi back if she chose to go to Japan for college.

Being trilingual really helps out in the field she is hoping to study next year, which is international business. Speaking English, Japanese, and Spanish very well help out in any situation and makes you a shoe in to get into any college or job.

So next time you think about your future, don’t limit yourself to the USA. There is a sea of opportunities completely undiscovered by you! So get out of there and like Emi says “Live tú 生活” (Live Your Life)