Naviance: The Easy Route to Take
With application deadlines coming, stress is following right behind it. This time of year is when seniors are really thinking about colleges and starting to narrow down their choices. With the help of Naviance and our guidance counselors, things should be a little less stressful.
Some students might ask, “what is Naviance?” Well students can go to our school website and click on “Students” and then they will see a link to Naviance. Students don’t have to sign up or make an account, it’s the same username and password students are given to log into PowerSchool.
Naviance is here to be a helpful tool in narrowing down your college choice and it allows you to see if the school you are considering is the school for you. If you search a college you have been thinking about, Naviance will give you the options to visit the school’s website, overlap (which just shows you other schools you might be interested in), the schools stats, and a scattergram comparing your grades with other students in our school who are have applied there and shows you if you got in or not.
If you’re not sure what college is good for you and you’re not aware of many colleges, Naviance has a college match. For this, all students have to do is answer some questions and Naviance will give you a list of colleges that are geared toward your responses.
Senior Emily Bak said,”I felt Naviance helped me find the colleges that had my major and let me compare my average with other people in the school who got into the colleges I was interested in.” She added that she found the scattergram to be the most helpful tool naviance offers.
Senior Keylin Muralles agreed with Emily. Muralles also said, “Naviance really helps me sort out the colleges that I want to apply to, and the most helpful tool that Naviance has is that it gives you a link to the schools website which allows me to check out all the majors.”
So seniors, if you’re not using Naviance to help your college search try taking a less stressful route, and log into your Naviance account today!

Skyler Arrasate, a senior, lives in Westhampton Beach and loves being around friends and family. She hopes to be lucky enough to travel around the world...