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The 2024 Powderpuff game took place on December 9th at the WHBHS turf. Senior and junior girls competed against each other in a flag football game.
The seniors won with a one-point lead over the juniors, final score 19-18. Senior player Kara McCormack said, “Shannon Sweet and Luciana Reilly were great at seeing the field” which contributed to their win.
Executive student government vice president, Emily Edwards, said, “Each grade needed at least two coaches and two refs who also signed up on the sign up sheet. It was organized by the student government and the proceeds were used to buy gifts for Adopt-a-family.”
The juniors’ loss came after a big penalty. player Sofia Amodemo said, “We didn’t work as a team. We were yelling at each other and getting aggressive. We could have done better with our coaches since one of our coaches fouled giving us a 15 yard penalty.”
Commack Chick-fil-a donated dinner for the players, coaches, and refs, Hampton Coffee donated hot cocoa, and Relic made the t-shirts. To raise money for adopt a family, players, coaches and spectators were asked to donate five dollars or an unopened toy
Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to the seniors on the back-to-back win!