JV Lacrosse Team Ends Season Undefeated
As the lacrosse season comes to a close, the WHB JV Lax team is still undefeated. Ranked top 5 by the Junior Varsity Media instagram (@JuniorVarsityMedia), the boys are on a roll and look to close the season off with bang and stay undefeated.
Success of their off season work definitely paid off. Every Monday night in the winter training was great for the upcoming season. They brought the work into the season and it showed. By their first game you knew the team had been playing together since PAL. The ball was spinning around, the defense was flying around, there was definitely great chemistry throughout the team.
The team is led by captains sophomore James Sarno, Drew Calloway, Brady Spanbock, and Lucas Fine. Teammates Jayden Valenti and Aidan Kilroy said that they are very satisfied with the way the captains are handling the team. After speaking about how coaches Duca and McDermott were coaching Aidan Kilroy stated, “We love the way they coach. They have a laid-back coaching style which is a good fit for our team. We have the motivation to bring the intensity to practice and games.”
As the season comes to an end the team definitely is going to miss their pregame speeches from Tasso, fun practices with Duca at Hite, and the long bus rides home from victorious games.
They finished out the season with a 15-0 record. After their last game Coach Duca had said that this season would be one to remember and it was his first time coaching an undefeated team.

Heath is a junior at Westhampton Beach High School. He lives in East Quogue with his parents, brother, and two dogs. He is a two-sport athlete playing...