Juniors Get a Spot in The Lot
With all the new things Covid-19 has brought this year, allowing juniors to drive to school is one of them, a privilege that was previously limited to seniors. So far the new change has been nothing but good for WHB.
This decision was made most likely due to Covid-19. With social distancing rules, buses had to separate kids on the bus making it one student every two seats, if they aren’t in the same household.
To get a parking pass, juniors have to meet the qualifications to get a pass. Students must have a class D license, meaning they’ve taken drivers education and passed driving tests. So far, only one junior parking in the lot, but more are planning on it when they turn 17.
The Board of Education approved this change to the school’s parking about a month ago. However it may be temporary. “I’m not sure if it is going to last past this year, because it is a new change to the school,” says assistant principal Mr. Bookamer.
However, there is some controversy over the fact juniors have to park over at the elementary school. Junior, Gail Drange says, “I don’t understand why they don’t let them park here, when parking over there kids are late from walking and they could potentially get hurt crossing the street.”
Another point is that half the parking lot is empty everyday and no one uses those parking spaces. The argument is why not let the juniors that go on A/C days park in the spots of the seniors that come to school on B/D days and vice-versa.
With any new change, there may be kinks to work out, but it seems to be working out well so far. Let’s hope it stays and only gets better!

Grace, a junior at WHBHS, volunteers at the WHB Middle School for a program called H.U.G.S, where younger students go to after school if they cannot go...