Graduation season is upon us. Seniors turning their tassels and waving their final goodbye to a school that gave them forever memories, friendships, and lessons. This article is dedicated to those seniors, allowing them to say goodbye and advise incoming seniors.
When seniors graduate, they say goodbye to their friends and teachers who forever changed their perspectives and connected with them. Madison Maire says goodbye to Ms. Russell saying she “had the biggest impact on me because she made AP Lit such a fun class and even though it was senior year, it was because of her I was so motivated to do the work and I’ll always remember that class.”
Before leaving the school for good, seniors have advice to give the incoming seniors to make their last year more enjoyable and memorable. Ashley Erbis advises incoming seniors,“Be involved in as many school activities as you can because it’s your last year to be with the people you’ve grown up with and don’t take advantage of anything because before you know it it’ll all be done.”
Kayla Spanbock sheds light on technical difficulties she had and asks that incoming seniors “stay on top of your work. If you let your work pile up then you’re not going to want to do it and you’ll end up with a lot of work that you have to do. Also, I would say to save your absences for the end of the year. If you’re absent a lot at the beginning of the year, you won’t be able to take days off when it’s sunny and a nice day out, and you’ll want to make sure you can go to senior skip day.”
As a Chief of Financials for VE, Isabella Jimenez urges incoming seniors, “Take VE and run for the chief position if you’re interested in business. Best decision ever and Mrs. Demchak is the best.”
Ashley explains the mixed feelings of graduation saying, “I am excited but also nervous for graduation. I’ve been ready to go to college for years and get out of high school but now that it’s over, I realize I will miss it so much. I could not see my best friends whenever I wanted to or just skip class to walk the halls. But I know I have exciting things coming for me and I need to leave to go onto better things.”
But, Madison Maire has a bittersweet feeling about graduation, saying, “Right now for graduation, I’m excited because it’s a reminder of how far we’ve all come and I’m excited to start the next chapter.”
Seniors’ most memorable moments were “the friend group that I formed. This was the first year I had a core group of friends that I know I will always be friends with in some type of way. I genuinely had so much fun with my friends this year and will forever be grateful for my senior year experience with them.” says Caity Gilvary. This year VE made it to the top 8 at Nationals in NYC and Isabella relays her shock saying, “I will always remember the shock and relief of our VE presenting team making it into the top 8 at National in NYC. (Tears were shed).”
While waving goodbye, Caity Gilvary tells her final senior confession: “In chorus sometimes if a song got too high I would stop singing and just mouth the words.” Also, Isabella Jimenez says, “When I wanted to get out of a class I would say I had lessons when I didn’t.”
As their last and final goodbye, seniors shed a few words before they turned to the next chapter in their book of life. Ashley Erbis’s last words in her chapter are “to not let things you can’t control your life. Be able to see the best in things and don’t let one bad thing dictate everything.”
This is it. A bittersweet goodbye. Saying goodbye to friends and hello to new opportunities. Seniors start a new life, leaving behind their old one. For some, this is a blessing and to others a curse. But no matter which one, their goodbye is inevitable.
This is Senior Brooke Donahue signing out, goodbye.