AP exams are finally done for WHB. With the new time the AP classes have, each class does something different, whether it be preparing for finals or using that period as a study hall.
In AP Seminar, which had its exam on May 4, there are no Regents to prepare for this year, although the class does have a final on June 12. AP Seminar teacher Mrs. Wiles explained that after the AP exam, the students will take a break and watch Just Mercy, a movie based on a book they read earlier in the year.
After the movie, the students will begin to prepare for their final, after a visit from guidance and a few short SAT prep courses. “The test is a truncated version of the English Regents exam you’ll be taking in January of your junior year,” says Mrs. Wiles.
However, in AP World, post-AP exam students are preparing for the Global History Regents, which they must take for being a part of AP World, on June 15. Similarly to Seminar, AP World students will view a movie in class prior to beginning Regents prep and a couple other small assignments.
“The first thing I do to help prepare them for the Regents is to take a week off from homework and studying. I feel that it is so important after the two weeks of AP exams to recharge and take a little break from the rigors of AP World,” says Mr. Rupertus, AP World History teacher.
Although AP World History is a higher level course than Global HIstory, Mr. Rupertus makes it clear that AP World students will have to work hard to get above a 90. “My takeaway was that it is easy to pass but hard to get a 90 or above. So, it depends on what the goal of each of my students is. If they want to get a 95%, it will take studying. However, if the goal is just to pass, that should be pretty easy.”
Good luck to all students who are still taking exams!