School After AP Exams

AP exams are finally done for WHB. With the new time the AP classes have, each class does something different, whether it be preparing for finals or using that period as a study hall.

In AP Seminar, which had its exam on May 4, there are no Regents to prepare for this year, although the class does have a final on June 12. AP Seminar teacher Mrs. Wiles explained that after the AP exam, the students will take a break and watch Just Mercy, a movie based on a book they read earlier in the year. 

After the movie, the students will begin to prepare for their final, after a visit from guidance and a few short SAT prep courses. “The test is a truncated version of the English Regents exam you’ll be taking in January of your junior year,” says Mrs. Wiles. 

However, in AP World, post-AP exam students are preparing for the Global History Regents, which they must take for being a part of AP World, on June 15. Similarly to Seminar, AP World students will view a movie in class prior to beginning Regents prep and a couple other small assignments.

 “The first thing I do to help prepare them for the Regents is to take a week off from homework and studying. I feel that it is so important after the two weeks of AP exams to recharge and take a little break from the rigors of AP World,” says Mr. Rupertus, AP World History teacher. 

Although AP World History is a higher level course than Global HIstory, Mr. Rupertus makes it clear that AP World students will have to work hard to get above a 90. “My takeaway was that it is easy to pass but hard to get a 90 or above. So, it depends on what the goal of each of my students is. If they want to get a 95%, it will take studying. However, if the goal is just to pass, that should be pretty easy.”  

Good luck to all students who are still taking exams!