The Return of Battle of the Classes

This year’s Battle of the Classes was shaping up to be one of the best the school has seen so far. With the reigning sophomore champions now seniors as their junior Battle of the Classes was not possible because of Covid, they were coming for blood in their last ever chance to prove their dominance over the younger folk. 

Danny Naglieri, part of the senior team, claimed he was “feeling confident going into today, looking to walk home with the seniors’ second ever battle of the classes win.”

The seniors started out hot with a victory in the first relay, but were quickly silenced by none other than Isabella Blanco when she took first place for the junior class in musical chairs. This wasn’t your ordinary musical chairs, this was played on a big bench, with Ms. Luciano and Mr. Cummings eyeballing who sat down first. 

The seniors and juniors continued on neck and neck from that point, with not too much action from the sophomores or freshman – until the freshman took a seemingly effortless tug of war win over the seniors. Senior Nick Waszkelewicz claims the tug of war loss to be “just a fluke.” Nick says, “We’re beating them nine times out of ten – this was just that one time I guess.”

This year’s Battle of the Classes was a huge success for Westhampton Beach. The great turnout for the event raised over $1600.