Enjoy a Maskless Summer

Enjoy a Maskless Summer

As the school year comes to an end, we are finally getting ready for (normal) summer!

This summer is the first summer since Covid where there is no longer a mask mandate and more places in town are open. Since things are back to normal, WHB students are able to have a great summer without masks. With the mask mandate recently being lifted, there are many different opinions about wearing masks and if they are still effective.

Due to Covid, last summer WHB students couldn’t find any jobs or things to do because people were still scared of spreading the virus. As of today, the new advisory called on those who are at increased risk for severe illness including unvaccinated children under 5 and people over 65 to avoid indoor gatherings and crowded settings.

Even though there are ways to stay safe without the mask, people still feel like they are obligated to wear one. For example, a teacher at WHB, who still wears a mask  said, “I wear a mask because I am immunocompromised and it weighs out the risks. I also feel more safe when I’m wearing it.”  Of course those who feel safer in a mask will still choose to wear one.

Sophomore Brynn Reilly thinks we should not still be wearing masks this summer. She says, “Masks at this point of the year will not really be effective because we are starting to do more outdoor activities.” As we get closer to summer and warm weather, there are more things to do outdoors.

With warmer weather and more outdoor activities, people are starting to feel more safe and comfortable with no masks. Things like outdoor seating at restaurants and outdoor events are one of the most important ways to stay safe but to still enjoy your summer.

A realization for some is that they took the normal summers before Covid for granted.   Enjoy your sunny summer without masks!