2020 Resolutions
With 2019 coming to an end the beginning of the new year offers a fresh start for WHB students.
The new year brings the tradition of making up resolutions. People all over the world take part in making a new years resolution. Research shows that out of all 60% of people making resolutions 8% actually go through with them.
Although many hope for a good year with friends and good health some whb students had some unique and interesting resolutions.
Louis Hagopian, junior, says he would like to “ throw more parties” this 2020.
Caroline Henke, junior, wants to “lose the ‘chub’ on her tummy” for summer 2020.
Aidan Kellechan, sophomore, wants a “ respectable girlfriend one his parents will like.”
Hailey Hanyo. junior, needs to “cry less in public.”
Katelynn Dahlen, sophomore, would like to “ be more social” this school year.
Jackson Hulse, junior, would like to “ try a veggie or fruit for the first time in my life” this 2020.
Bobby Hill, sophomore, would like to “ go to Tufts “ this new year.
Christian Capuano and Joe Pilari, juniors, want to “attend Louis Hagopian’s house more and go to the mall with Shaun.”
Lexi Sielaw, sophomore, would like to “ become a better person for herself and others” this 2020.
Abby Gobler, WHB junior, wants to “ be more present “ in her life and in school.
Let’s hope our WHBHS students stick to their 2020 resolutions and make it a great one.
Now onto the next decade !