Behind The Scenes: Spirit Week
The week we have all been waiting for, spirit week, is approaching fast and furious.
Paige Garrett and Hannah Donneson, co-presidents of Student Government have been preparing for this week in more ways than most students are aware of. They hold the first student government meeting in the library where they brainstorm ideas for the days ahead.
Everyone’s ideas are put up on the board and then formatted into a survey, where students can go and vote for their favorite ideas. The ones with the most votes win and that’s how they decide what we should do for homecoming week. Hannah shared, “This year we tried to have as many new days as possible.”
The spirit week days are Monday: out of this world day, where students will be able to dress up as aliens space martians. Tuesday is tie dye/ neon day, which is a very popular day amongst students. Wednesday is pink day for breast cancer, a great day promoting a great cause. Thursday, jersey day, is a day for WHB to share their team pride. Lastly, Friday is class color day. Where freshmen wear gray, sophomores wear black, juniors wear green, and seniors wear togas. Student government sophomore and junior officers are selling class t-shirts to raise money for prom.
Next, they brainstorm for homecoming themes. The same process is repeated; the students vote and whichever one gets the most, wins. Due to seniority, seniors get to pick the subtopic, so this year the theme is big cities and seniors picked Athens. Following their decision, juniors, sophomores, and then the freshmen get to pick.
Junior officer Sophie Waszkelewicz, says I’m definitely most looking forward to pink day, I like how its raising awareness for a good cause.”
Even though spirit week has to eventually come to an end, there are still exciting events to look forward to. Junior officer Molly Brennan informs freshmen, “It’s only fun if you participate! So have fun, and get hyped for pep rally and the game.” It’s a long lasting tradition, that continues to unify students and teachers together.
Homecoming will be on Friday October 19th, at 6:00pm. Be there and be ready for an amazing win by the Hurricanes, once again.
Carly is a junior at WHB and lives in Remsenburg. She runs for the winter and spring track teams. Carly likes to spend her summers waitressing at at La...