Get off the Beach and Spend your Summer Vacation Wisely

With two months off for summer, some students are choosing to get a head start for the following year.
Sophomore Molly Brennan will be working at a one-week intensive acting camp at the Southampton Arts Center alongside Jenna Mate, the director of the camp. Molly and Jenna will be working with young actors to write a musical, which will be performed at the end of the week. This opportunity will definitely further Molly’s career choice in the acting and directing field.
Sophomore Spencer Moyle will be attending the HOBY Leadership Conference at Adelphi University. HOBY consists of only sophomores throughout New York State. These students are nominated by their schools. The conference will take place from June 8th to June 10th. During this time, Spencer will participate in activities that will help him become a great leader and a strong member of society.
Junior Hannah Donneson will be traveling to Peru for two weeks this summer. Hannah chose Peru because she wants to cover a variety of the world through her Rustic Pathway trips. She has already covered Australia/Oceania and Asia, which makes her next move South Africa. Hannah would “2000% recommend people to travel with Rustic Pathways as is it a great way to travel the world while completing community service.”
This summer, sophomore high jumper Jack Meigel plans on training several days a week with private coaches to improve in all of his events. At a meet during the winter season, Jack was introduced to a world-renowned female jumper, who will become his private coach along with a few others who specialize in specific events. During the off-season Jack can focus on strength-based training which will hopefully guide himself to a first-place finish at the Winter State Championships.
Freshmen Jack Halloran and Morgan Pilo were selected to participate in the “Imaging with a New Light” training at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The training will take place from June 25th to June 29th. The two will take part in lectures and hands-on training relating to data collection, data analysis, X-ray microspectroscopy and microdiffraction. In 2017 trip, they gathered dinosaur bones in Wyoming and worked alongside scientists and researchers. They helped identify new Triceratops dig sites, vertebrae skulls, and a rare bird tooth. Both students were selected for this training because of their interest in science research.
Junior Meghan Reilly is going to participate in a summer journalism workshop at Stony Brook. This workshop will open Meghan’s eyes to a possible career in Journalism. Meghan found out about this workshop through Journalism teacher, Mrs. Mett, who recommended her. She is looking forward to the opportunity and to the people that she will meet.
Use your summer wisely this year and engage yourself in activities to enhance your future!

Julia, a sophomore from Westhampton, is in her first year writing for The Hurricane Eye. From a young age, Julia had a love for running. When given the...