Spanish Club Spotlight

Spanish Club in 2016

Spanish Club in 2016

If you like trying new types of food, dancing, and listening to cool music from different hispanic cultures, the Spanish Club is for you.

The vice president of Spanish Club, Carolina Perez, said, “I joined freshmen year because it seemed like it would be a good club to join.”  To people thinking of joining the club she said, “You don’t need to know Spanish to join.”

Haydee Cabrera, Spanish Club president, also said, “People should join because we do a lot of eating, dancing trips and it’s just fun to be here.”

Spanish Club Advisor Ms. Gallucci shared the upcoming events.  She said, “We were thinking about possibly planning a trip to the NYC Metropolitan Museum Of Art.”  They might visit a Spanish/Hispanic restaurant while in the city.

This March, the International Food Festival will be during Foreign Language Week.  Ms. Gallucci said, “We will be working with the cafeteria to create the menu for all three buildings sometime that week.  There is a suggested $1 donation and all Spanish and French students will get extra credit for bringing in food for the Food Festival.”

For anyone considering joining the Spanish Club, they meet on Tuesdays in room 223.  Ms. Gallucci said, “It’s a nice time to get together and share our love for Spanish and hispanic culture.”