Virtual Business Class Wins Gold
Stuck in an elevator against other business men and women to compete for the best product idea. Judges choose first place to go to Westhampton Beach High School’s Virtual Enterprise class!
VE is an elective business class here at WHBHS run by teacher Mrs. Demchak. The class is essentially a business simulation. Students create a fake business in which they become the employees. In the business, students buy and sell products with other schools. VE classes are international in about 40 countries! In New York City there is a VE headquarters that manages as a bank for all the virtual money and bank accounts as well as maintaining the payroll for classes nationwide.
Last October 8th, the Virtual Enterprise class embarked on a journey to Long Island University Post in Brookville for a Leadership Conference. Local schools came down to listen to guest business leaders such as Chief Executive Officer of Crowdster, John Murcott. The conference also held a mini competition that was an elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is where the students have thirty seconds to pitch ideas of a product to a judge, and then whoever has the best idea, wins. The Westhampton Beach High School Virtual Enterprise class won the elevator pitch, earning $5,000 in actual prize money!
The Virtual Enterprise class also goes on two more trips to what is known as trade fairs. These fairs are held in January at SUNY Farmingdale and in April in New York City. At the trade fairs, VE businesses set up booths in which they can sell their products and talk about their business plan and mission statement.
Student’s interested in business should definitely try out this class, as junior Chase Rubio stated, “it’s a great way to see how to run a business.” Student’s also can choose what they wish to do in the class. Some students may wish to become web designers they can be tasked with designing the web page for the class. Another student may prefer finance. It’s a class that helps get a student ready for the business world in a fun, creative way.

Jackie is a junior at Westhampton Beach High School and a newbie on the staff. In her spare time, Jackie draws her life away. To give her life a soundtrack,...