Jumping into the Record Books
Senior Sarena Choi has jumped her way to 8th in the nation in the long jump and 11th in the nation in the triple jump.
With a person record(PR) of 18’ 9.50, done a the Stanner Games and a PR of 38’ 8.50 done at the Ocean Breeze Holiday Festival, Choi is making her mark.
Q: How did you get into triple jump and long jump?
A: One day at practice Coach Broich came up to me and asked if I wanted to try triple jump. I said sure why not and long jump came as a result of that.
Q: How do you train for the long jump?
A: Practices consist of a lot of different drills. It depends on what kind of day it is. I’ll either be doing sprint work to get my speed up on the runway, drills with the spring board for height, and other drills just for technical things.
Q: How do you feel about being 8th in the nation?
A: It feels really good. I’ve been working towards bigger and better since I started doing this and I feel as though it’s just hard work and dedication paying off.
Q: What are your PRs in the long jump and triple jump?
A:Triple Jump PR: 38 ft 9.5 in
Long Jump PR: 18 ft 10 in
Q:Tell me about your decision to go to Kent. Will you be jumping or playing volleyball?
A: I went in for an overnight visit to Kent kind of blindly, not knowing what to expect. However as the jumping coach was showing me around I fell in love with the school, the track, everything. I knew before I left that I wanted to be there for the next four years. I will be jumping at Kent.
Q: With the Winter Nationals approaching, what will you be competing in, and what are your expectations?
A: I will be competing in both the long and triple jump. I really don’t know anything about who I’ll be competing with but all I know is the goal is to be All-American. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long and I will do whatever I can to get there.

Natalie is a sophomore at WHBHS, but has lived in Quogue for her whole life. She is on the winter and spring track team and is also part of the Interact...