What Does the Future Hold for Johnny Football?

Johnny Manziel aka "Johnny Football" QB for the Cleveland Browns

Johnny Manziel aka “Johnny Football” QB for the Cleveland Browns

People know the name Johnny Manziel for a host of different reasons. Some know him as that guy who’s always in the news for going out clubbing and drinking with his friends. Others know him as Johnny Football, the Heisman Trophy winning quarterback from Texas A&M. Right now Johnny is in the midst of trying to shed the negative reputation he has brought upon himself, by trying to craft a new image, as the future of not just the Cleveland Browns, but as the future for sports in Cleveland.

Most people know that the Browns are an awful football team that has had a quarterback problem ever since the team returned in 1999. The Browns have had 24 different starting quarterbacks in these 17 seasons. There is a debate about whether or not Johnny Manziel deserves to be the guy in Cleveland. When asked about whether Manziel deserves to be the starting QB, Social Studies teacher, and Browns fan Mr. Kinder, said, “First off nobody deserves to just be a starter unless you earn it.” Kinder went on to say however, “Yes I think he deserves to be a starter, or at least an opportunity to see if he deserves another year.” Brian Spadafora said, “Manziel at the current moment may not deserve the starting role due to maturity…”

The problems that have plagued Johnny throughout his career are his problems with drinking and partying that he even went to rehab for. As for whether he can change and lose the “party boy image” he has developed, Kinder says, “Yeah, we all have the ability to change, do I think he’s young, inexperienced, immature, and has a lot of lessons to learn, yes…Johnny’s biggest problem is Johnny.” Spadafora meanwhile says, “He most likely will not be able to lose his “party boy image,” since he doesn’t get it, no one has ever made him get it…”
As for the differing views on what the future holds for Johnny Football in Cleveland, Spadafora says he will not be the future in Cleveland because they’ve grown tired of Johnny’s partying, while Kinder says he can’t really say right now because the Browns have 3 more games left in which Johnny can prove he’s the future. Browns fans and followers of football fans will have to wait and see if a guy who both Spadafora and Kinder agree is a very talented football player on the field, can clean up his act and become the franchise in Cleveland.