Is 2021 Going To Be The 1?

2020, a year students were looking forward to by the end of 2019. Unfortunately, 2020 didn’t go as planned. Students had to adjust to fully remote learning unexpectedly and it really affected those who called school a safe haven. 

It’s crazy to think 2020 is coming to an end because these past 10 months felt like 10 weeks. People have been stuck at home for a long time thinking about life, staring at walls, and washing their hands excessively. Certain things everyone did back then isn’t really an option to do anymore. For example, people can’t go to the movie theaters and gush about their favorite actors or jump around listening to Ariana Grande sing live. It saddens a lot of individuals, especially since Christmas break is nearing.

Nobody knows when everyone is allowed to be in a crowded area or event. Erica Rubick, a junior at WHBHS, said, “I think that everything will re-open in a year in a half or more because Covid-19 is still going on, but I still have hope because vaccines are currently being made.”

Students have been either positive or negative about this pandemic, which can lead to different hopes and expectations for the future. Lyndzee Walker, a junior at WHBHS, said, “I believe 2021 is going to get worse because many corona cases are increasing, leading to a second lockdown. I was really looking forward to traveling and exploring the fashion industry, but many of those hopes and desires are looking unrealistic.” The future really depends on how much people listen. Evidence shows that wearing masks, hand-washing, and staying six-feet-apart decreases the chance of having another strict lockdown. 

Movie theaters and crowded areas might reopen in the future soon if we stay six-feet-apart from each other. Hopefully, everybody makes an effort to try and end this pandemic by listening and paying attention. Students at WHBHS want 2021 to look different. Roadly Luna, a freshman at WHBHS, said, “I think Covid-19 will still be going on during 2021, but I hope it doesn’t because I want everything to get back to normal.”

Other students want to stay positive and make 2021 a good year. Colbie Mason, a junior at WHBHS, said, “During 2021, I plan on making it a better year and not taking things for granted.”

This is a weird time for humans all around the world, so people need to understand that life may take some time in order to become “normal” again. 

As 2020 comes to an end, everyone should start counting their blessings instead of counting everything they wanted but lost. 2021 can be fantastic if people make it fantastic. Vaccines are currently being made available and life is slowly but surely getting better. 

Make sure to stay on the positive side of things instead of the negative because that makes everything better. People can start by hoping instead of doubting, taking action instead of ignoring, and smiling instead of pouting.