Yes, Donald Trump is President

A new age in America has officially begun as of January 20th, when Donald John Trump officially became the 45th President.  No matter Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, Team Clinton or Team Trump, the American people elected their President for the next four years.

Obviously, Trump being President has caused a lot of controversy in the country.  People are protesting from the east coast to the west coast, calling out President Trump on some of the vulgar and illegitimate things he said during his campaign.  Boston College student Nicole Trone said, “Some of the things he said were just too unprofessional to be President,” which many people can agree with.

On the other hand, putting aside the bad parts of his campaign, America did vote Trump into the presidency, fairly, using the same democratic voting system we have used for centuries.  So, the one half of the country that voted for him are a little bit confused of why people are outraging so much.  Catie Floegel, a conservative student at Northeastern University said, “I feel that these protestors need to sit back and give Trump a chance. There is a difference between protesting for something you believe in, and protesting because you didn’t get what you wanted.”

Inauguration day was somewhat interesting this year, as a fraction of the number of people and celebrities that showed up for President Obama’s first Inauguration showed up for President Trump’s.  As much as this should not matter at all in the grand scheme of things, President Trump felt offended as one of the most popular tweets became a picture comparing the 2009 and 2017 inaugurations.

As much controversy as there is with Donald Trump being the President of the United States, it is safe to say that he is the President.  It is the first 100 days that defines the rest of the president’s term, so as Americans we need to sit back and give President Trump a chance before we judge.