Protesting the President

With Trump becoming president, many Americans believe there will be a huge price “toupee.”
With Trump as the President Elect, tens of thousands of Americans have been expressing their views all the way from Facebook, to the streets of New York City, Los Angles, Seattle, California, and Boston.
According to The Guardian, “Donald Trump’s unexpected election win ignited protests across the United States, with thousands of demonstrators crowding into streets and surrounding his buildings in major American cities.”
Sophomore Krysten Rohan said, “I have no clue why people are having such huge reactions to Donald Trump’s win. It might be because of the words he has said about certain communities that those communities may have taken as offensive or out of context.”
She continued, “A lot of people are pulling the racist card which I don’t think is true. He just calls it as he sees it, and speaks the truth. He’s not covering up his feelings by being politically correct, and I think people don’t like that. But I don’t think that offensive words are a valid reason to act out like this.”
On Fifth Avenue in front of the Trump Towers huge protests with people chanting “not president” and “hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go” have been occurring since the election. Although many people are against Trump, many people believe this protesting is wrong and even say he’ll bring the change that this country needs.
The protest overall have gotten out of hand; a man was assaulted, others were punched, 65 people have been arrested. Trump supporters were pelted with eggs, cars were smashed, and clashes broke out with the police. Krysten Rohan said, “Everyone is afraid he will ‘end’ America, but so far, these protest are closer to ‘ending’ America than he is.”
Sophomore Anna Peraino feels, “He’s already been elected. There will always be views opposite of his, and protesting does nothing but spread violence and hate, and we should accept that he is our future president even if it goes against what you believe.”

Elise Ferreira, an East Moriches native, is currently a sophomore here at WHBHS. During her spare time, she enjoys surfing, hanging out with friends,...