Study Halls or Electives?

Even though there are plenty of interesting electives to chose from, some students still make the decision to take a study hall.

“Over all, I would probably say that having a study hall is more beneficial because I can do all my homework,” said Shawn Meduski. He also pointed out that electives give necessary school credits, and are therefore more valuable in that sense.

Bryce Phillips thinks “the electives are more beneficial because most people don’t get any work done in their study hall,” while Matt Tobin thinks the benefits “actually depend on the elective you take.” Bryce agreed that different electives have different values. He said, “You can chose an AP elective, which looks good for colleges, or you can chose an easier elective to help break up your schedule.” Both students agreed that electives are more beneficial because they give you the opportunity to explore your areas of strength and weakness in the subjects you chose. Matt also added, “Most of the electives are pretty beneficial because they help to build your personal interests.”

“Having a study hall ninth period lets me relax after a long day and get my homework done, but having an elective first period helps wake me up and start my day,” said Shawn. In his opinion, students’ school day should consist of a balance between an elective and a study hall because there are important benefits to each of them. Bryce agreed with this to some degree when he said, “Both study halls and electives help me get away from the usual school setting for 40 minutes every day.”

All that being said, whether you chose a study hall, an elective, or one of each, it’s all your preference. You have to decide what works for you and with your schedule.