Concerts After COVID
June 18, 2020
At this time I’m sure many people are craving the feeling of letting go at a concert, unfortunately, we are unsure of when they will be returning. With Covid-19 still existing in our lives, it makes it impossible to enjoy a concert at this time. Having people on top of one another is exactly what we don’t want right now. Who knows how long we will have to social distance for, hopefully it’s not too much longer.
With all of the precautions we have to take in everyday life right now, attending a concert is pretty much breaking every single one of them. New rules may have to be set. “Masks, temperature checks, and empty rows” to social distance according to USA Today. Having half the number of people at a concert due to seating people in every other row can really affect the concert experience. “The whole fun of a concert is to look and see everyone around you dancing and singing along. You won’t have that with empty rows,” says sophomore Madison Mosher.
This can also lead to an increase in the price of tickets. With the venue at half capacity, the artist and crew will still need to make enough money. Prices of tickets will most likely be doubled at the time that concerts return.
Live Nation, a major ticket and venue company, says they would like to be back by 2021, “Our goal is really to be on sale in the third and fourth quarters for 2021 at full scale.” For now, they are testing out concerts from cars and other forms of social distanced live performances. Many other sources are saying concerts will resume in the fall of 2021.
Many others are worrying if people will even show up when they return. People may be too nervous of catching the virus by being too close to someone. There is no way of really knowing if people will attend if and when they do resume.
With the signs of Covid-19 showing as late as two weeks, a temperature check may not be effective on the way into the concert. Until there is a cure, there is no real way of staying completely safe.
In hopes of having concerts back in our lives, staying positive and maintaining social distance is the way to go.