Toys R Us Wraps it Up

Picture taken from Google images.

Picture taken from Google images.

Every kids’ and adults’ favorite childhood place in New York City is closing. The Toys R Us located on 1514 Broadway between West 44th and 45th streets is closing due continuing rising costs. This is one of the most known places in New York City, and now it is closing, taking 373 jobs with it.

The stores lease expires at the end of January 2016 and it’s not being renewed according to Brad Mendelson, vice chairman of retail services. The Toys R Us has been open since November 2001 and is closing on December 20th 2015, leaving this the last Christmas it’s open. But don’t worry Toys R Us lovers. According to Brad Mendelson, the company’s owner is already talking to other retailers about opening another store. In a USA Today article, Kevin McCoy stated, “The company is seeking another Manhattan location, possibly near Times Square.” The firm of the company agrees that closing the store is the right thing to do because its going to “help the company realize meaningful rent savings.”

Toys R Us is known for three of its most famous things. “The Times Square Toys R Us is known for its indoor Ferris wheel, life-sized Barbie house and T-Rex robot,” says CNN. Since this was their last black Friday, the store was mobbed. People from all over the place were coming in. Toys were up to 60 percent off. Customers were complaining about how crowded it was in there. “The place was so packed with shoppers that it was hard to move,” Rosa Medina a costumer at Toys R Us said. A woman being interviewed at the store during black Friday said “I can’t stand it, while waiting at the cashier, it’s too busy.” As we all know Toys R Us is one of the most popular places in New York City due to its fun games and activities to do in the store to its games and counsels waiting to be sold to parents for their kids. This store is a place where all children dream of going.

Toys R us in New York City is one of the big apple’s most famous tourist attractions to both adults and children. This Toys R Us is known as the most famous toy store in the world and the most visited Toys R Us around the world bringing in almost 2000 sales a day. Hopefully the store will come back to New York City soon. As we wait for the new store to come in this Toys R Us will be truly missed. Leaving behind memories of young ones and adults around the world who have visited this place.