Donald Trump: How He Plans to “Make America Great Again”

Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate

One of the biggest debates going on in America today is whether controversial Republican presidential candidate, billionaire, businessman, Donald Trump, will make a good president or not.

Donald Trump says he has the ideas that will fix some of the biggest problems facing the country today. These problems include immigration, taxes, and peoples rights granted under the Second Amendment (the right of the people to keep and bear arms). Donald Trump’s ideas for an immigration policy have been very controversial, because of his stating that he wants to build a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border. 10th grader Josh Davonski, who supports Trump, said in regards to Trump’s immigration policy, that he knows Trump will protect among other things, “the nation’s borders.” Donald Trump also says that under his policy, any criminal immigrants will be deported back to their home countries. He also says that he would like to end birthright citizenship, which means that the children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S. would no longer become automatic U.S. citizens. Trump would also require companies to hire American workers first, in order to lower the number of unemployed Americans.

Another one of the issues Donald Trump says he’ll address are taxes. He’s proposed that any married couple that combined makes anywhere from $0-$50,000 per year won’t have to pay any income tax. Couples making between $50,001-$100,000 combined would pay 10% income tax, $100,001-$300,000 combined would pay a 20% income tax, and couples making anything more than $300,001 annually would pay 25% income tax.

The last thing Donald Trump has said he will fix is peoples rights under the Second Amendment. Trump is among those who support the right of people to own a gun. He has stated that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to guarantee the right for people to defend themselves, which in his opinion includes the right to own a gun. While he thinks people should be able to own a gun, he believes the background check system and the mental health system need an overhaul so that guns won’t get into the hands of people who would possibly use the guns to harm others.

To conclude, there are differing views on the legitimacy of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. 10th grader Cameron Dowling said, “I wouldn’t vote for him. I’m against him running for president.” Meanwhile, Davonski said, “I am very glad Donald Trump is running for president and I think he’d make a great president.”