Next Stop: USNA
As many of us here at WHBHS know senior Alex Patricolo will be making his way to the United States Naval Academy (USNA) next year. What many of us do not know is how he made this decision.
Shockingly, Alex says that at first he really didn’t want to go to USNA. He states, “But after meeting the squash coach at their sports summer camp I became more interested. On the last day of the week I made my decision to want to serve as an officer, and protect this country.”
The next step for Alex was filling out the application. Which he says was easier for him than others who did not attend the summer seminar since he had already become an official candidate for USNA and had completed the physical fitness test.
He explains, “The only other different thing from applying to another university was the fact that I had to receive a congressional nomination from a congressman or a senator.” He continues, “I received a letter of assurance on August 20th, 2014 saying the admissions board to the academy had accepted me.” Alex jokingly adds, “So I’ve been dealing with senioritis since before senior year.”
Alex leaves for the USNA June 30th and will be inducted on July 1st. The Naval Academy is located in Annapolis, Maryland, which is 4 hours and 55 minutes away from WHB.
Best of luck next year, Alex!

Skyler Arrasate, a senior, lives in Westhampton Beach and loves being around friends and family. She hopes to be lucky enough to travel around the world...