Regents Schedule 2015

With the 2014/2015 school year coming to an end, students of WHB high school still have to take their regents exams. Students will be taking a regents for Integrated Algebra, Earth Science, U.S. History and Government, Global History and Geography, Algebra 2 and Trigonometry, Chemistry, Living Environment, Physics, English, Geometry, and also finals for other classes.

The most important and stressful part of the year is finally here. Summer is just a couple days away. As students start to think about the beach, cold iced teas, and fun things to do they still have to worry about passing their regents and finals. A piece of advice is to take the time now to study and have a fun summer without having to go to summer school and taking your regents again in August. Plan out your study schedule and don’t get lazy.

June 16-24 will be the dates of the regents and the times for them are going to start at 8AM or 12PM. Click the image to check when exactly your regents exam is. Also, be sure to come about 30 minutes before your test with a snack, water, calculator (math regents), and a #2 pencil. Don’t forget to eat a nice breakfast to start up your test day. Good luck to you all!