Do You Know the Deal-io with Helio?
Helios is a new business created by Mrs.Demchak’s Virtual Enterprise class, a new elective offered to juniors and seniors. The class allows students to create their own business and see firsthand what it is like to participate and compete in today’s business world.
On April 2nd, Virtual Enterprise students attended the National Business Plan competition in NYC to compete their business for the fourth time. The class earned a spot at the competition after Helios placed first at Briarcliff College’s Long Island Business Plan Competition, which lead them to the SUNY Farmingdale competition. Competing against 40 other schools, they made semi-finalist. In the semi-finals they placed in the top 3. The top 3 go on to the National Business plan competition.
The purpose of the national competition is to showcase the Helios’ firm and to have students present their entire business plan and their commercial. Seeing past competitions makes the students want to bringing Helios into a higher level of professionalism.
The idea for Helios all came about from the students in the class. It began with a project that Tahsin Korur did in his Business Management class last year with the idea of the power line, such as a phone charger, that is powered by the motion of peddling a bike.
Students who are interested in getting involved in this business can take Mrs.Demchak’s Virtual Enterprise class next year. This class can be taken two years in a row with the option of earning six college credits in the first year and three college credits in the second year.
The Virtual Enterprise class is a way for students to specialize in any area that interest them such as web designing, computer graphics, marketing, accounting, journalism and art. It is a very hands-on class with a student-led classroom; students act as the employees in the business rather than students in a classroom. Next year, Mrs.Demchak wants to take her Virtual Enterprise class to the next level by involving receiving paychecks and paying rent.
Mrs. Demchak and the Virtual Enterprise Business class would like to thank all of the people who have helped Helios outside of the classroom as well as teachers: Mr. Erickson, Mr. Peterson and Mrs. Phillips and the community members for being so generous to their fundings.
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Sam, a junior, lives in East Quogue and has a twin sister. She enjoys hanging out with friends, having fun, and going to the beach. Her goals are to travel...