Humans of WHB: Ms. Webber

Lifeguard, coach and teacher, Ms. Webber is now working part time in the high school as an English teacher.
When Ms. Schmeider had her baby girl last month, Ms. Webber took over her 11th grade English classes. When Ms. Luciano has her baby in the beginning of January, Ms. Webber will also fill in for her four classes.
Many might recognize Ms. Webber. She coaches girls JV basketball. She also coaches middle school lacrosse. Coming to the high school Ms. Webber didn’t have a specific fear but she said, “anything new is always scary but I’m excited for the change. I am really excited to teach a new, more challenging curriculum.”
Ms. Webber says that she enjoys teaching the types of stories that are read in English 11. Doing her student teaching with 11th graders, Ms. Webber has a little bit of experience working with this group of kids.
Not knowing that she wanted to be an English teacher until her sophomore year of college, Ms. Webber attended St. Joseph’s college “I was never positive on what I wanted to do for my career, but I always loved reading and writing. I was always athletic and played sports, my best being basketball and lacrosse,”
In college her along with her team won the lacrosse championship. “It was definitely one of the proudest moments of my life, such an amazing feeling I wish everyone could experience.”
Not having to teach during the summer, Ms. Webber can be found at the village beaches lifeguarding. Spending 30+ hours a week at the beach, Ms. Webber says she wishes she could surf really well since she is always there. Also on her free time she enjoys running, being with friends and going out to dinner.

Paige, a junior at WHBHS, has lived in Westhampton her entire life. She loves to surf, do hot yoga and hang out with her friends. Over the summer, she...