Getting to Know Glenn

Mr.Dorskind is arguably one of the favorite teachers amongst students at WHB, but do they really know him? I’m lucky enough to say that I was able to get to know him a little bit better.
Mr.Dorskind is an English, Creative Writing, and Writing Studio teacher, but believe it or not, teaching was not his first career choice. “I never wanted to be teacher but I always ended up being a leader,” he said.
Dorskind continued, “My mom always said I should be a teacher though, and when I was working under poet Allen Ginsberg he agreed. I was always the leader in the protests, I’m the president of the ambulance department, I started a program for minors in the department so they could be involved, and I run a meditation class… I was an executive in a company and I hated every single day, every teacher that I knew had a fun life.”
When asked about his involvement in the local EMS, Mr.Dorskind said, “My daughter wanted to go to med school so I brought her to the ambulance department to try it, but they didn’t take anyone under 18, so I tried it. I eventually became the president, then I started a program for children under 18 and it was pretty successful.” Since joining the EMS, Mr. Dorskind has responded to over 1200 calls.
One thing many people do not know about Mr.Dorskind is that he is a published writer. He has published multiple collections of poetry and also worked on three of his wife’s books. He is planning to publish again once he is retired.
Mr. Dorskind, or “Glenny D” as Mrs. Mett calls him, is also a favorite amongst teachers. Mrs. Mett said, “Glenny D is one of the kindest, most thoughtful teachers in the school. He loves his students and wants the best for each and every one of them. Mr. Dorskind is authentic and wears his emotions on his sleeve. He is honest, and I think that’s the best thing about him.”
I concluded my conversation with Mr. Dorskind by asking, if you could give a high school senior any piece of advice, what would it be? He shared, “Take your time before you enter in a serious relationship or career choice. It’s a lot harder to get out than in, don’t panic though. Be willing to be alone and suffer for a little bit.”

Dylan is a WHBHS senior who transferred from Riverhead at the beginning of the school year. He enjoys playing lacrosse, snowboarding, hanging out with...