Ms. Regan Resigns to Follow Passion


From one chapter onto the next.
One of the Geometry teachers we all know and love, Ms. Regan, is starting something new after 16 years at WHBHS. She will be following her passion for nutrition at Amber Waves Farm In Amagansett.
Choosing a new path was not an easy decision. “Tomorrow is not promised,” said Ms. Regan. “Ultimately it came down to asking myself a very simple question. ‘Will you regret not taking this chance?’ The answer was yes.”

Even though she loves teaching and will miss it so much, food and culinary was always something that she was passionate about.
She chose Amber Waves Farm to follow her dream. It is a 30-acre farm, located in Amagansett. It harvests nearly 350 different varieties of vegetables, flowers, herbs, and fruits.
Her passion for food didn’t come until after she was diagnosed with cancer 14 years ago. After that, she started to think more about what she puts into her body. “The organic plant-based life became something that I follow, and believe in. I love nutrition, and working on a farm gives me the opportunity to see where the food cycle begins.”
Ms. Regan has grown as a person at Westhampton Beach. She said, “It is a part of my life that I will never forget.“ She is going to miss the students, faculty, staff, and the energy that the classroom gives. “I love teaching, and I have loved welcoming students to my class. I love the silly moments when we share a laugh. Being a teacher is so much more than just math. I have always referred to my students as my kids, because I care so much about them.“
Memories are unforgettable with Ms. Regan. Sophomore Priscilla Calise said, “Last year she would share stories about her cat Oliver, and she always would help us to the best of her ability to get us to pass all of her tests and quizzes. She never wanted us to fail.”
Nobody knows what the future may hold. Once a teacher, always a teacher. But for now, Ms. Regan is going to become a wash/pack manager. Once farmers harvest their crops, they will bring everything from the fields directly to her. “I will be busy. For the harvest season (June – November), I will be working six days a week, mostly 8-9 hour days. Once harvest ends, more than likely five days a week, “ said Ms. Regan, “but I’m passionate about this.”
If there’s one last thing Ms. Regan would want her students to hear, it’s to “be kind to each other, and never give up on your dreams.”
Westhampton Beach is going to miss Ms. Regan dearly, but we all want her to be happy too. We all will continue to support her in the choice she made to start this new chapter in her life. If you happen to visit Amber Farms in Amagansett, make sure that you say hi to Ms. Regan.