Getting to Know Junior Amanda Shannon

Reporter Sarah (L) with Amanda (R)

Everyone may know junior Amanda Shannon as the 2021 Powder Puff MVP but we wanted to get to know her a little deeper. Amanda Shannon is a crazy good athlete, super kind, and probably one of the funniest people you’ll ever meet. 

Since freshman year, Amanda has been playing on the varsity soccer team and she runs winter track. Although she’s busy with athletics,  Amanda said, “My favorite thing to do outside of school is hang out with my family and friends … and eat Taco Bell and Big Macs.”

Amanda grew up playing many sports and feels being an athlete has had a positive influence on her life.  She said, “It gives me responsibilities and allows me to set goals that I work to achieve.” 

Amanda’s positive attitude has a big impact on the people around her. Sophomore McKenzie Schindler described her by saying, “She is always smiling and always in a happy mood.”

She says her happiness comes from “my dog, my family and friends.” She continued, “And also trying different experiences.”

For now, Amanda’s junior year is keeping her busy. “This year is different from the rest because my classes are harder and it takes more effort to balance school life, social life, and sport life,” she explained.  However, Amanda looks to the future and wishes to travel and have a successful job.

Lastly, Amanda shared a piece of wise advice: “Do the right thing even when no one is watching.”