Helen Helps Start Book Club at HS

Helen Helps Start Book Club at HS

Junior Helen Yac is one of the many students at WHBHS who makes it a special place. She is kind, enthusiastic, and inspires those around her to succeed. Recently, she started a new book club at the high school. I wanted to find out more about the rising senior. 

WHB hasn’t had a book club until now. Juniors Helen Yac and Jessicka Alvarado started the club with the WHBHS’s librarian, Mrs. Tunstead, who said, “When Helen approached me about possible volunteer and leadership opportunities that I might be able to facilitate, she jumped at my suggestion to create a student book club. Helen and Jessicka have run with the idea and created a thriving book club that allows for genuine, authentic conversations about books between students. I’m impressed with the way that Helen has encouraged new members to join, led meetings, and facilitated insightful discussions.”

Helen’s compassion also contributed to her position as a leader. She loves listening to people and she cares about everything surrounding her. Helen said, “I think what makes me a good person is that I really do try to make an effort with my friends and family. In terms of communicating with them, I definitely need to check up on them. Even if not consistently, every once and a while I just genuinely want to know if they’re okay and I think having great listening skills and communication really solidifies that relationship with them, so I think that’s my strongest personality trait. Listening and being there for someone no matter what they’re going through.”

Helen’s personality is a huge part of who she is and it makes her an amazing human being. According to Mrs. Tunstead, “I love Helen’s quiet resilience and intellectual curiosity. Helen’s ability to get things done regardless of how difficult the task might be is an asset.”  

During book club, Helen organizes meetings, keeps track of attendance, and organizes specific conversation topics. Besides book club, Helen is also in interact club and youth to youth. She plans on taking the skills she’s learned during her high school career and taking it to college. She said, “After high school, I definitely plan to attend college during the fall of 2022. I definitely want to major in marketing and I’m not sure exactly what I want to minor in, but I do know I want to go into marketing. I’m not sure what I want to market for. I have to reach my audience or hopefully, through college, I’ll find my spark and put all of my energy into that. I hope to get internships and definitely study abroad and I hope to increase my networking and get along with everyone. Find a way to put myself out there more because I think I was sort of closed off in high school since I just learned how to keep quiet, but I think as you grow up you learn how to embrace yourself.” 

Helen’s positive attitude goes a long way and she has a phenomenal persona. It’s difficult to pinpoint the best thing about her. Mrs. Tunstead said, “Helen’s compassion. Her 9th-grade research paper was an argument against cosmetic companies that test on animals and her 11th-grade research centered on the impact of academic atmospheres on introverted students. Both examples give insight into the way that Helen views the world and seeks to find ways to make it a better place.” 

As this school year soon comes to an end, Helen is excited to leave junior year behind and start new as a senior. Helen encourages the upcoming freshman to try and look for their passions. She said, “I think it’s great to start now and focus on one specific outlet you have and try to turn that outlet into something bigger. For example, start a fundraiser, a passion project, or a research paper because It shows that you are willing to commit to something like that and I think building on that outlet is extremely beneficial.” 

Though Helen believes she’s quiet, she for sure shines a bright light that screams extraordinary. 


For more information on the WHBHS book club, f0llow @whbhslibrary on Instagram.