WHBHS Alumnus Travels the Country

The adventures of WHBHS alumnus Finbar Smith over the last three months have been crazy. He decided to drive across the country to expand his photography portfolio and he encountered some stunning views while on his journey.
Last year, WHB News journalist Reily MacDonald wrote a student feature on then-senior Finbar Smith. In that article, Reily states that Finbar is taking a “gap year,” meaning that he will take a year off in between high school and college.
So far, during his gap year, Finbar has driven across the country and travelled to places such as the amazing Arches National Park of Utah and the beautiful beaches of Southern California.
Travelling light, with only clothes, a backpack and his camera equipment, Finbar is able to live out of his car and sleep either in the car or in a tent. He does not have to pay for places to sleep. “I sleep mostly either in tent or car but I stay in federally owned land so it’s free.”
His costs are limited to about $20 a day unless he has to pay for gas and he is funding it with his money he made from working as a Southampton Town Lifeguard over the summer.
Next year, Finbar plans to go to college, preferably University of Central Florida, and major in photography. Because of his adventures, he will have a great portfolio to present at his photography class.

Luke is a sophomore at WHBHS who lives in Westhampton. His busy summers consist of working at Rogers Beach and playing travel lacrosse for E3. On his days...