11 Things to do During “Coronacation”
The coronavirus has temporarily closed schools and most stores, canceled events and concerts, leaving us stuck at home not knowing what to do. If you’re reading this because you have nothing better to do during quarantine… I may be able to help.
Watch Shows
Since the start of quarantine many sites like Netflix and Hulu have added new shows and returned new seasons. Now is the perfect time to get caught up on old shows and start new ones.
Movie Marathon
Catch up on all the movies that were too long to watch before or even knock out a whole movie series in a day because, why not.
Online shop
All stores are closing and nobody is shopping, some of our favorite websites are having the BEST sales of the year.
Make masks
Masks are at a shortage and are now essential to wear in public. All you need is any kind of fabric, any elastic and scissors if you need to cut the fabric. You can make them a cool pattern or even super simple. It is a fun and easy craft that you can do by yourself or with your family.
Don’t lie. We know you love dessert. This quarantine is the time to bring out your inner Betty Crocker and try recipes you never had the time to before or just think they look super yummy.
Plan Family themed dinners
As seen on TikTok families are having themed dinners where they dress up and cook fun meals. Some examples are iCarly’s spaghetti tacos, Hibachi, TV show Chopped, Mexican night.
The weather is starting to get nice and warm, so grab a family member or your pets and go for a walk. You can even practice the sports you are missing outside.
Make Whipped coffee
To all the coffee lovers out there this one is amazing. All you need to do is put any milk in a cup with ice and mix instant coffee, sugar, and hot water together until it becomes whipped. Put the coffee on top of the milk and mix.
Birthday Car Parade
If you know somebody who has a “quarantine” birthday, get a group of people to drive outside their house. Make signs, pound on the horn, and make their birthday stuck at home a special one..
Spring Cleaning
Go through old items and clothes in your room that are just taking up space. You can sell your old clothes or donate them.
Show your appreciation for local businesses by ordering food from them for delivery or take out!
Don’t forget to practice social distancing and stay safe WHBHS!