The Truth Behind The Smile: Robin Williams Unveiled

Genie from Aladdin, one of William's most famous played characters.

Genie from Aladdin, one of William’s most famous played characters.

August 11, 2014. For some people that was just another day spent at the beach, but for others it was a day where they lost their dad, husband, and friend. A death that shocked the world, Robin Williams.

Everyone assumed Williams was always the happy and funny guy he was on camera, but he wasn’t. What not many people know is that two months before his death, Williams checked into Hazelden Addiction Treatment Centre in Minnesota. Teresa Cohen, someone Williams really relied on while he was in the centre, said “Although Robin was always making people laugh, you could tell he was broken. He appeared to be filled with depression and unhappiness. He even told me one time that he ‘felt weary in his bones and he wants to die a fast death, not make people suffer from him leaving.’” Little did Williams know, his death would upset many people, even people here at WHB.

“He was a great actor. I loved how his movies were funny but also very pointed. I never knew he suffered from depression, I was very shocked.” Mrs. Merendino, high school librarian said. Allie Ostie, junior, also added, “I never would expect someone who seemed so happy to be so sad in reality.”

Williams’s death brought awareness to suicide and how easy it is to hide depression and other mental disorders. “This made me realize that more people than you think are suffering and money really can’t buy happiness. I’ll definitely think twice before I do or say something that could possibly hurt someone, you never know what goes on behind closed doors.” Ostie said. Mrs. Merendino agreed saying, “Sometimes you have to stop and think, “what is going on in this person’s life that could make them act like this?’”

Hopefully Williams’s suicide brings more awareness to the world. You  never really know what people are going through, be nice and help people if it looks like they need it. It’s okay to talk to someone. Although it feels like it, you’re not alone, there are so many people going through the same thing or something similar. Just say hi to someone if they seem lonely, it may not affect you but it could really make a difference in their day or even life.