Study Tips for Midterms

Study Tips for Midterms

With the first semester coming to end, the stress for midterms begin. But luckily for us, some of WHB’s teachers and seniors share their advice for this nerve-wracking time. We all want to end the semester on a good note and midterms seem like they’d do the exact opposite, but with good preparation it could even boost your grades up.

Before a big test, French teacher Mrs. Travers suggests getting up a little earlier for a last minute review once more while the mind is fresh. Getting a good night’s sleep before the test is key advice from Mrs. Travers. “Another trick would be to talk to yourself. Let yourself know you can do this; give yourself some self-confidence.” She also added, “If you know the work, you should feel confident and know you’ll do well.”

When it comes to studying, social studies teacher Mr. McDermott said, “Don’t burn yourself out; take breaks with the studying, If you burn out, you’ll wind up crashing.”  Since midterms usually are back-to-back, there’s a lot of pressure on the line.  To cool down or to take a break Mr. McDermott suggest working out or taking a jog. He also adds, “Eat a good breakfast to make sure you mind is alert and ready.”

Mr. McDermott also encourages everyone to find their method of study. “Figure out how you study best, whether it be flash-cards, or making your own study-guides.”

Senior Alex Meyer says she starts studying the week before so she doesn’t have to study a lot the night before. Alex agrees that the hardest part about midterms is that they’re all usually around the same time. “The hardest part is trying to balance studying with the other work load.”

And since we all procrastinate, both Mrs. Travers and Mr. McDermott agree that the night before the deadline, they’d buckle down and do what they had to do.   Mrs. Travers shared her wise advice and what it was like for her. “There wasn’t as much stress as we have today, but for everyone when tests come along it’s difficult, and time for every student to sit down and hit the books.”

She continued, “I hope all the students do well on their tests, and remember I’m always here after school for extra help.”