WHB Spring Concert: Recapped
This year’s last school concert from the Symphonic Choir, Symphonic Band and Chamber Choir, held on Wednesday, May 27th, at 7:30 pm, was beautiful. Both the choirs and the band was filled with so much talent coming from both 11th and 12th graders. It was a “must see to believe” type of show.
The show started with the award-winning Chamber Choir, directed by Mr. Rubinstein. They played various difficult and entertaining pieces, including Nyon Nyon, which was very fun to watch and hear. After they finished singing all four of their pieces, Rubinstein gave a heart warming and tear jerking speech about how far the chamber singers have come this year.
Up next, the Symphonic Band took the stage with another four pieces. Mr. Seifert did a very good job with directing the band, which is a huge job. Seifert said “Actual preparation for this concert started in February, during 4th-period rehearsals.” With only practicing and learning four songs in four months, the show was immaculate. Seifert also named off each of the seniors leaving the Symphonic Band and gave a great speech on how far each of them have come.
The Symphonic Choir ended the night with another four songs. Wade in the Water seemed to be the favorited song by the crowd for the beautiful sounding soloists Edward Hennessey, Max Peterson and Alexandra Fee. Each student did an amazing job on their solos and of course so did the choir itself. Rubinstein, who also directs the Symphonic Choir, recognized all of the Seniors leaving the choir along with what college they’re attending and for what.
The seniors will definitely be missed but with the upcoming juniors joining the band and chorus, next year’s shows are going to be just as good.

Paige is a sophomore at Westhampton Beach High School. She is a writer for The Hurricane Eye, this 2014-2015 school year. Paige is a music lover and has...