Broadcast Journalism: What We’re About

Period 7 class on Pep Rally day!
Every Friday students of Westhampton Beach High School have the privilege to watch our own school news show The Hurricane Watch. There are two classes of Broadcast Journalism who alternate shows every Friday, giving each class about two weeks to work on the next show.
Students think of Broadcast Journalism as a fun, and easy class to take. Yes, it’s a fun class, but not as easy as it’s thought to be. Every week the class comes together to think of ideas both informative and interesting for the student body that they can squeeze all into a limited 5-minute show.
At the beginning of the year each class makes their mission statements explaining what they wish to accomplish. Mr. Herr then comes to the classes to revise the mission statements. After he comes and checks it out the classes can start filming their show.
Hopefully, after reading our mission statements, students will have a better understanding of how much dedication and effort goes into creating the Hurricane Watch. Ultimately, the number one purpose of the show is to inform the student body and community at large. So tune into the Hurricane Watch every Friday during first period or during a free period on
2014-2015 Broadcast Journalism Mission Statement Period 6
Using the tools and resources we are so grateful to have, the WHB News Team will serve the hard-hitting news, entertaining information, and the thriving culture of our district through the Hurricane Watch. Our team will create a weekly show that highlights every aspect of being a Hurricane. The show is used to inform students about up-coming events, cover the highlight moments of the year, and entertain with a selection of diverse packages. Our highly skilled and enthusiastic news team will delve deep into the ideas, philosophies, and the essence of our community in order to bring out the Hurricane Pride in every student.
Every other Friday at the beginning of first period, the entire student body and faculty is focused on us. Our target audience is our peers, our faculty, former Hurricanes, and the general public. We aim to improve our show every week to keep these viewers informed and entertained.
This school year brings many new faces to our WHB news crew and we will work as a team to show our different talents. Together, we want to make everyone experience what it feels like to be a Hurricane. We hope that by broadcasting student life, we can create a more unified district, our Hurricane Home.
2014-2015 Broadcast Journalism Mission Statement Period 7
The Hurricane Watch is a student produced news show under the direction of Mrs. Luciano, with a sole purpose to inform the students and faculty of Westhampton Beach High School in a fun, exciting, and entertaining way.
With over 1000 students watching every Friday, we strive to create an informative five-minute news show that our school and community will look forward to. It is our responsibility as a class to produce our best work, resulting in a quality show for our audience. Together, we will work as a team in a respectful and professional manor to create the best product possible.
Collaborating as a cohesive unit, the twenty students enrolled in Broadcast Journalism are determined to sustain a level of novelty and originality. We aim to include every aspect of student life here at Westhampton Beach. Our class will make an effort to attend all of the activities going on in the school, while showcasing extracurricular clubs, theatrical productions, sports games, and more.
We hope to make each show better than the last by listening to our peers and absorbing their feedback. Our responsibility as a class is to present nothing but our best work, to keep the student body tuned in to the show, and to exhibit quality, integrity, and reliability to our viewers.
The students of Broadcast Journalism aim to sustain the “journalism ethic” by using stand-ups, on-the-scene reporting, and incorporating fresh new ideas. It is our job to make sure that we fulfill all of the responsibilities set for ourselves in order to produce the best Hurricane Watch year that there has been. We want our viewers to look forward to our show and start their Friday out on a good note.
The sky is the limit!

Skyler Arrasate, a senior, lives in Westhampton Beach and loves being around friends and family. She hopes to be lucky enough to travel around the world...