Meet the Cast: Urinetown

This year’s spring musical was Urinetown, a satirical comedy that incorporates the legal system, capitalism, and populism. The show was performed the weekend of March 21st. And now, let’s meet the characters!
Sophomore Caity DeCara played Hope Cladwell, a spirited young girl who believes in following your heart and the goodness of people!
Interview with Caity DeCara:
Do you want to study Musical Theater? “I actually have no idea! I really enjoy being in musicals and performing on stage though!
Have you ever taken voice lessons? “No! I actually have never taken voice lessons.”
How do you feel about being only being a sophomore but having two roles as leads? “I’m actually so surprised and grateful!”
Who was the first person who got you into music? “My sister! We would always sing together when we were little and she really encouraged me to try out for so many shows!”
Junior Stephanie Fitt played Ms. Pennywise, a strong and hardworking woman who is trying to make ends meet.
Interview with Stephanie Fitt:
How do you feel about the show? “I love the show so much. I think its really funny and it’s so much fun to be in and even just watch. The cast is amazing everyone has worked so hard and everything is really coming together really nicely.”
Does music run in the family? ” Yes, music definitely runs in the family. When my mom was younger she was into musicals and she loved to sing, not to mention my older sister is studying abroad in France right now studying opera and musical education. My little sister is also quite the little singer and oboist. Music is everywhere in my house. I love it so much.”
What sort of feeling do you get while being on stage? “Being on stage is like nothing else. I love acting and when I’m on stage I just feel like I transform into a completely different person.”
Is there anything else that you would like to tell the students at Westhampton HS? “The school shows are so awesome and so much fun and I think that everyone should at least try to get involved in some way at least once whether its on stage or backstage you should try something because it’s such an incredible experience.”
Senior Jack Vicari plays Bobby Strong, a troubled boy who believes in fighting for what is right!
Interview with Jack Vicari:
Do you plan on studying Musical Theater? “I do plan on going into musical theater. I’m not sure whether it’ll be lead roles, or ensemble, or costume and lights but I’ll take what work I can get in the field.”
How do you feel about the show? “I love this show. I think it’s so funny and clever and so fun to put on. I love all of my cast mates so much. Most of them I’ve gone through high school with so I’ve already been close with them but I’ve also met some of my new favorite people here. Everyone is just so talented and great and motivated. We all really make something amazing when we come together.”
Any advice to people who aren’t in the musical? “Join the musical at least once in high school, whether it is on crew or actually in the show because it’s such a great experience. And don’t ever think that sports should stop you from trying it.”

Kiera, a junior, grew up in Oyster Bay and moved to Westhampton in first grade. Even though she lives in a small town, Kiera can’t wait to go to college...