A+ vs 100
Photo courtesy of http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-83r-7l3MnA4/UYa1PRMRldI/AAAAAAAADNw/UyTXE0ohVw4/s1600/grade-a.jpg
A+ is usually the grade people strive for, but here 100 is the ultimate grade that you can have. It is pretty widely known that A, B, C, D, and F are used when grading although things seem to be a little different.
Different places around the world use different grading systems and even throughout the U.S. it varies. Usually the grading system is unique for each school, for example some schools just us A, B, C, D, and E or F but others use the + and – as well. Still some others use even more different systems, like ours, where they just a percentile.
Not just grades vary through states though, other requirements vary through states and schools, for example schools in Washington State require that students pass a Washington State History class in eighth grade to be allowed to graduate high school, while others like in New York State require that you pass a Regents test to receive credit for the class.
The differences in requirements and differences in grading can be confusing and frustrating especially if a student moves from state to state. There usually isn’t any difference between the systems of letter grading or percentile grading, the A+ is just something to strive for and is easier to achieve than numbers. However Ana Lopez, a sophomore who moved here from Florida before starting ninth grade, said that, “We used to have letter grades in Florida but I like the numbers better, they let you see how much better you need to do.”
Although many students probably have different opinions about the grading system it is easier to see exactly what your grade is and how much better you need to do when a percentile is used.

Hana is a sophomore who moved to Westhampton Beach from Seattle, WA last year. Although she misses living in a city, she likes living so close to the beach....